Clinical Evaluation Process: Step by Step
What is Clinical Evaluation?
A clinical evaluation takes place in three steps. In step one, manufacturers identify clinical data from existing literature, clinical experience, clinical trials, or any combination of the three. Stage two involves appraising the data’s relevance, applicability, quality, and significance. The third step requires you to articulate your conclusions in the CER, based on the data you collected.
Step 1: Development of Clinical Evaluation Procedure referring to MEDDEV 2.7.1 Rev 4 and article 61 from EU MDR
Step 2: Preparation of Clinical Evaluation Plan procedure

Step 3: Preparation of Clinical Evaluation plan template
Step 4: Clinical evaluation plan template filling/reporting
Step 5: Development of a procedure for Identification of pertinent data
Step 6: Preparation of template for Data retrieved from the manufacturer
Step 6.1: Data retrieved from the manufacturer regarding Post Market Surveillance (PMS)
Step 6.2: Data retrieved from the manufacturer regarding Post Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF)
Step 6.3: Data relevant to pre-clinical studies and any other product relevant test reports
Step 6.4: Data retrieved from the manufacturer regarding Biocompatibility testing
Step 6.5: Data retrieved from the manufacturer regarding Bench testing
Step 6.6: Data retrieved from the manufacturer regarding Electrical safety (if applicable)
Step 6.7: Data retrieved from the manufacturer regarding Software Verification & Validation (if applicable)
Step 6.8: In case of the absence of the above mentioned documents from the manufacturer, the manufacturer can take I3C’s help in creating these templates
Step 7: Template filling for data retrieved from the manufacturer
Step 8: Development of a procedure for demonstration of equivalence (if claimed)
Step 9: Preparation of template for demonstration of equivalence
Step 10: Filling in the data for the demonstration of equivalence
Step 11: Development of a procedure for literature search and review plan
Step 12: Preparation of template for literature search and review plan
Step 13: Filling in data for literature search review plan
Step 14: Preparation of template for Literature search review report
Step 15: Filling in data for the literature search review report
Step 16: Development of a procedure for appraisal of clinical data
Step 17: Preparation of template for clinical data appraisal plan
Step 18: Filling in the data for the clinical data appraisal plan
Step 19: Preparation of template for appraisal of clinical data
Step 20: Filling in the data for appraisal of clinical data
Step 21: Development of a procedure for analysis of clinical data
Step 22: Preparation of template for analysis of clinical data
Step 23: Filling in the data for analysis of clinical data
Step 24: Development of a procedure for a Clinical evaluation report
Step 25: Preparation of template for Clinical evaluation report
Step 26: Filling in the Clinical Evaluation Report
Step 27: Preparation of template for Declaration of interest
Step 28: The declaration of interest template will be forwarded to the clinical evaluator
Step 29: Preparation of template for the CV of the Clinical Evaluator
Step 30: The CV of the clinical evaluator template will be forwarded to the clinical evaluator.
More Useful Resources —
2. Best 31 Tips to Ensure a Successful MDR Clinical Evaluation and CER